
Monday 9 July 2012

UPDATE: Holiday, University

Hey guys! I must apologise for being a bad blogger. I guess I should also say that I did pass my first year at university which I was very happy about as I was so nervous about finding out my results! I thought that once university had ended I'd be able to blog more but I just haven't had the time and it's been pretty hectic recently.  But hopefully after my holiday, I'll be blogging normally and regularly again. I say hopefully but don't quote me on it!
I am going on holiday today for 5 days and I originally wanted to schedule a few posts to keep you all busy whilst I'm away but unfortunately, I haven't gotten chance to so I'm really sorry about that! But hopefully everything that I wanted to write about and schedule will have a post after my holiday. Plus, if you want to stay in touch/keep up with what I'm doing on holiday then you can always follow me on Twitter as I'm an addict. But yes, I hope you all have a wonderful week and once again, so sorry about being a bad blogger!
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