
Sunday 8 July 2012

UPDATES: Would You Like To Advertise on BamboozleBeauty?

I've been seeing a lot of bloggers advertising small businesses and blogs on their blogs recently and I think it's a great way for those business and blogs to gain some exposure and also a way to help keep my blog running. I've never really wanted to use the standard Google Advertising as I'd prefer to advertise blogs like myself and other businesses.
I'm not entirely sure if this is something that I'm going to do yet but I wanted to write a post to see if any of you would be interested in advertising on my blog. The adverts would run on a 28 day basis and I would alternate the adverts regularly so that everyone would get a fair chance of being on the top spot. Your advert would be featured underneath my HelloCotton widget and all adverts would need to be 165px by 165px maximum. I'm hoping to run a maximum of 10 advertisers a month and on the first day of every month I will make a blog post introducing all the advertisers so that my readers can get a feel for your blog instantly.
Obviously we've just started July so the first time I'd run the 28 days if it happened would be from August 1st until August 28th.
August 2012 price - £3 for 28 days
My blog is a UK Beauty Blog and I generally post about skin care, hair care, body care and make up. But sometimes I'll feature lifestyle and fashion posts. Your blog or business doesn't need to be about these areas to be advertised though. My stats are available upon request and for any further enquiries please contact me on -
(Please do ignore my tacky 'I-was-14' email address)