
Friday 3 January 2014

HEALTH | Weightwatchers

Can you believe it's now 2014?! In just a few days, I'll be 21. It's crazy to think about! But with a New Year, comes New Years Resolutions and last year, mine was to lose weight. I decided to start Weightwatchers as it was working wonders (and still is!) for my grandmother. In no time whatsoever, I'd lost quite a bit of weight and I was feeling much better in myself. Granted now, I've put a bit of it back on (damn you Christmas) but again, I will taking to Weightwatchers to get the body I want for my holiday in July.

If, like me, you're wanting to get fitter and thinner, then the Simple Start Weightwatchers programme is probably for you. The reason I love the programme is because it's easy to follow. I'm not that clued up on food but luckily, the points system makes losing weight easier than breathing. Also, you can eat pretty much anything that you want - as long as you don't go over your daily and weekly points - simple! Last year, in just a month, I'd lost 16 pounds and felt more energetic, less tired and my skin improved massively. I'm excited to start my journey again. Offering either a Monthly Pass or an Online Subscription, there is bound to be a service that suits you.

Monthly Pass - unlimited meetings and digital tools
  • Lowest weekly rate
  • No registration fee
  • Unlimited meetings and guidance from a Leader
  • Access to mobile apps and digital tools (online community, 25,000 food options, 1,000 recipes)
Online Subscription
  • Learn the Plan step by step with easy to follow guides
  • Extensive set of interactive tools and apps
  • Online community, mobile apps, 25,000 food options, 1,000 recipes
You can sign up to the Weightwatchers programme and view their prices here.