
Saturday 19 July 2014

MAKE UP | Benefit's They're Real range

Despite having these products for a good few weeks, it's taken me a while to gather my thoughts and opinions and write a blog post. I'm guessing by now you all know about Benefit's They're Real range? It started out with the mascara, which has been hugely successful in its own right. And because of this, Benefit decided to expand the range and launched a revolutionary eyeliner and an eye make up remover.

First up, the cult favourite. I never invested in this mascara because my eyelashes are pretty good on their own. It's lucky for me because it means that I never have to spend a fortune on my lashes as drugstore mascaras work just fine. Lots of people rave about this gem and it's easy to see why. The pigment is outstanding and the jet black mascara truly lengthens, curls, volumises, lifts and separates the lashes. It makes my lashes look out of this world, but for me, £19.50 is a lot of money to spend on a mascara. Will I splash out once mine runs out? I'm not sure. I'll see how much I need it when it happens.

Ooh this didn't half take me a while to get used to. It's the first gel liner in a pen to hit the market and has an innovative soft tip which is supposed to truly hug the lashline. In the photo above, I'm wearing this eyeliner and as you can see, it's barely visible. That's how close it allows you to get to the lashline meaning that thicker lashes and a natural eye look is now possible. Once set, this liner doesn't budge on the lashes but I will warn you that you have to work quickly as it dries almost instantly after application and can sometimes flake. I've definitely become a huge fan of this liner, it's easy to use and creates an array of different looks.

This was the product that I didn't think I'd care about. £14.50 on an eye make up remover? No thank you! And before I used it, I wasn't convinced. You see, my Lush Ultrabland removes my They're Real liner and mascara perfectly well, so I didn't see a use for this. Until I used it the other day. It's incredible and makes removing eye make up gentle, a pleasure and simple. With Ultrabland, I'd have to rub for a few minutes however with this, eye make up is removed in an instant. It simply melts away. It's a light milky formula that immediately lifts any make up from around the eyes without leaving behind residue. Pricey, but I'm addicted.

Have you tried any products from the They're Real range before?
*PR Sample