
Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Campaign For Clearer Clothing Sizes

I have many blog posts planned and a lot of pictures waiting to be uploaded however, after sitting down with pasta and checking through BlogLovin', I came around this post by Jen which redirected me to this post by Gemma of Retro Chick. And I knew I had to comment.
(The post by Gemma is from May however, clothes sizing is still a problem in the UK)!

Have you ever been shopping in a rush? You know, running around the store, finding something you love, not having time to try it on, buying it and then taking it home, trying it on and being disheartened because your usual size 10 is too small for you? I have. And I know I speak for many other women when I say I have. 
In the world that we live in today, body image is a major part of society and every day we're surrounded by images of beautifully curved women with gorgeously shiny hair and perfect skin - and of course, we automatically believe that that is what we should look like. We aspire to be like them. But it's not possible. We're can't just airbrush ourselves like they can. Yet we don't care.. we still want to look 'perfect.' Aswell as being surrounded by these images, we're also enclosed with other images and news stories on eating disorders. Do you sometimes sit there whilst reading about eating disorders and feel sort of, helpless and maybe even a little guilty? I know I do.
It's not just the media that makes us feel this way though.. stores are doing the same. And by reading Gemma's post and joining in with her campaign. we as bloggers (and women) can change this.
So that's why I'm joining the campaign. I say enough is enough. We shouldn't be made to feel like crap by our favourite stores. We shouldn't have to be upset when our 'usual size' fits us - because that isn't our usual size. It's constantly changing.

So join in! Speak up! And let's improve not only dress sizes but our confidence!
Also, I want to know what you think about the sizing in clothing stores? Are you a size 12 in one item and a size 18 in another? Let me know in the comments!