
Wednesday, 3 September 2014

WISHLIST | Workwear wardrobe

Ever since working at The Nottingham Post, I've been loving classy "grown-up" type clothes. My style has changed a lot over these past few weeks and in all honesty, I couldn't be happier with my wardrobe. There are a few other items that I'd like to add to it so I thought I'd compile a wishlist. Not just for me to remember what to buy on pay day, but for you too. In case you're looking to part with your cash for a few new items.

All items are either from Espirit or New Look, both sites that I've been loving a lot recently. The best thing about Espirit is that delivery is free. I'm someone who hates paying postage and would rather spend an extra £20 to avoid the cost. The website also has some beautiful work wear clothing. New Look speaks for itself really - I love the fact that I still have a years worth of student discount left.

What items of clothing are currently on your wishlist?