I've received the Stylish Blogger Award from Facefixers! If you haven't seen the blog yet then go and check it out - it's very good :) I haven't received an award in such a long time so it was nice when I was told that I had one waiting for me so thank you!

7 things about myself:
1. I love animals! Especially cats. And not just small cats, but big cats too :)
2. I'm currently in college doing my A Levels and I hope to be going to university in September.
3. I'm going to see Katy Perry in March with my sister!
4. I love Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears.
5. I play on COD Zombies with my sisters a lot and I love it!
6. My favourite film ever is Shutter Island.
7. I love reading books - as long as they're good.
7 blogs I'm awarding this to:
Zoella - I'm so glad she's not ill anymore, I've missed her blogging.