As you may know, last night I went to see Britney Spears in Birmingham. I was always going to go and I got my ticket as soon as they went on sale which meant I had really good seats. As you can imagine, I was very excited about going to see the Femme Fatale tour - I'd already seen her Circus tour but from the videos I'd watched on YouTube, this tour was bigger and better.
On the way to Birmingham my friend text me telling me there was a competition to dance on stage with Britney. Now, I had been trying to win passes to do this for ages so of course, I entered. All I had to do was say when Britney's birthday is and of course, that's easy. I also sent them a begging tweet telling them to please choose me. And they only went and chose me! I ended up winning 2 tickets to see Britney and 2 passes to dance on stage with her! My sister was already in the car with me and although she was driving me there, she wasn't going to be going to the concert as she couldn't afford tickets at the time. So of course, I asked her to join me and gave my other ticket to my mum.
When we got there we had to wait inside the box office for a woman named Tara who explained all the details to us and gave us our tickets. She then queue jumped us all the way to the front and we got to meet Igor who is Britney's bodyguard. Meeting Igor was incredible enough for me and I got a bit starstruck as I knew who he was! He gave us wristbands and made us a sign a form that basically said 'if you die, we're not responsible.' We were signing away out lives to Britney. After that, Igor said our seats weren't good enough and he moved us into the standing area and we were just three rows away from the front.
At this point, we were all getting majorly excited and when the support acts came on, we couldn't believe how close we'd be to seeing our idol. Anyway, the show went on and let's just say this; don't believe a word the UK press say about her. The arena was full, she sung live, she danced better than she's danced in a long time, her body is stunning and her face is beautiful. But you know what's better than all of that? She was smiling.. the whole time. You just couldn't wipe that smile off of her face. I was very proud - incredibly proud.
Anyway, it reached the song 'Boys' and this was the point were we had to leave. We went to the side and met up with another bodyguard (who was very scary) and we sat right at the front of the stage. Right at the front. I was in awe seeing Britney right before my eyes. And we were sat there for a good 4/5 songs. I also saw her boys, her mum and her boyfriend! And Britney looked down at me and noticed me. Oh and another thing, when Jason (her boyfriend) walked to the front of the stage, she saw him and smiled at him - so cute!
After Trouble For Me, it was our turn to go onstage. And Fe (her assistant who I love) called us up to the front of the stage. I looked at Fe and said 'Fe, I love you so much. Thank you for everything you've done for Britney.' And she gave me a hug and said 'No problem, I love you too and so does Britney. You're going to have the time of your life.' And how right was she?!
We went up on stage and we stood just inches away from Ms Spears. She looked at all of us and smiled at all her us. At first, I was stood about 4 people away from her but when we all moved to the middle of the stage, I was the closest to her. I looked a bit weird though because I couldn't stop looking at her haha!
But this was just the greatest experience of my entire life. I've waited 13 years to meet my idol and not only did I meet her - I danced onstage with her.
After the show, I tweeted Britney and she followed me AND tweeted me back. I couldn't believe it. Britney Spears knows who I am.
I don't know what else to say - I'm still speechless. But if you have any questions, just leave me a comment :)
EDIT - Pictures

EDIT - Pictures