Those who know me will know that my sister is my world. And yesterday was her graduation. Like myself, she too attends (attended) the University of Lincoln and ever since I found out that she'd be graduating back in June, I've been extremely excited. I've had my dressed picked out for what seems like forever and known down to point how I'd be doing my make up. The wonderful thing about graduating from Lincoln is the fact that the ceremony is held in the wonderful cathedral. It's a truly stunning setting and adds to the atmosphere like no other.
My dress is the lovely Chi Chi Callie Dress which I won in a Facebook competition earlier this year. It's beautiful and seeing as the Lincoln colours are yellow and blue, I thought it fitted the occasion perfectly. It's nicely made and holds you in in all the right places. The thing I loved the most about this dress is the fact that it has a padded bust which is essentially an inbuilt bra. I'm quite busty and whenever clothing items usually say that they come with "built in support" it's a complete waste of time. However, this dress was perfect for supporting the erm, boobage and allowed the cut out in the back to shine without nasty bra straps poking through.
I won't go into too much detail about the ceremony as it is a personal thing but it was truly lovely. Even hearing "woos" and "yeahhh" from other people's family members in the audience as their loved ones went up and graduated was really nice. Afterwards, we took lots of photos and then went out for a meal. It was a wonderful day because the majority of my family attended - dad, mum, stepmum, stepdad, grandparents and my sister's best friend was there too. So yes, I just wanted to show you my dress and a few photos from the day. Oh and my shoes are from New Look in case you were wondering. They're pretty much the only heels I own!
Have you been to a graduation before? What do you think of the Chi Chi dress?