I've been ill this week so I've had a lot of spare time when I haven't been sleeping. So what do I do when I'm stuck in my room for the majority of the day? Watch Britney programmes of course.
My all time favourite Britney documentary has to be 'For The Record.' It was her first interview she did after her breakdown and it shows a lot of insight into who she is. It shows the real her. And the show has a lot of inspiration quotes.

For me as a fan, it's a shame that a lot of people make assumptions about Britney. They assume she took drugs during her breakdown, they assume it was all her fault, they assume she's stuck up and boring. But if they delve a little deeper, if they watched programmes such as FTR and read books on her, they'd understand her a little bit more. But I guess it's just the fans that know the truth. Although I'd love the whole world to know. Rant over!
Anyway, I've been feeling uninspired for writing beauty related posts recently and I just had to write about FTR because I've watched it so many times this week. So if you're interested and you've never seen the show, you can watch it here.
To me, everyone is interested in Britney Spears. There's no doubting the impact that she's had on the music industry and the world. She's been through a lot yet she's back on top and she did that whilst the majority of the world was against her.