If you can remember last year, I gave you my X-Factor Verdict which you can view here. And I thought it'd be interesting to do it again as I'd love to know what everyone else thinks about X-Factor this year.

Personally, I don't understand why everyone is so against Kitty. She hasn't done anything wrong in my eyes. She's a great performer with a wonderful voice and I'd like to see her go far. Oh and she's also a huge Britney fan which is always a plus ;)

I don't really know what to think of Johnny. For me, he's another Wagner yet with a 'better' voice.

Little Mix
I love these girls! They all have great voices and can really perform and work the audience. I especially loved their rendition of Katy Perry's ET.

The Risk
I'm definitely a Riskette! And I love them even more now that they have a new member. They can sing, can dance, can rap and they're hot!

Janet Devlin
Sorry guys, I'm not a Janet fan. I think she's incredibly boring and can only do one type of song. Also there are too many 'Janet's' out there right now - for example, Ellie Goulding. They all sound they same.. they only talk when they sing.

Misha B
Misha is already the Queen. She's miles above everyone else and it seems as though she's already a star. She can work the stage, she can belt out a tune and she can rap. I love her.

I have a bit of a soft spot for Frankie for some reason. I like that he's not boring and he doesn't stay in and do his homework type of thing. He may not have the greatest voice..but there's definitely something there.

Craig and Marcus
I decided to put these two together. I'm not a fan of these two at all. I'm not fond of their voices and for me, they kill songs easily. They're very overrated.

Sophie Habibis
Why has Sophie gone?! Ridiculous. She's wonderful.
My Favourites -
The Risk & Misha B
I Like -
Little Mix, Kitty, Frankie, Johnny
I Don't Like -
Janet, Craig, Marcus
What are your thoughts on this years X Factor? Who would you like to win? Who don't you like? What do you think of the new judges?
UPDATE 17/11/11 - this has now changed of course. But I've started liking Craig and Marcus. Gutted that The Risk, Kitty and Frankie have gone.
UPDATE 17/11/11 - this has now changed of course. But I've started liking Craig and Marcus. Gutted that The Risk, Kitty and Frankie have gone.