I can't believe it's week eleven already. It seems like just yesterday that I wrote my first Monday Summary of the year! Not a lot has been happening recently but this week, I've done quite a bit.. ish. I've been really busy with work as the work load right now is huge - it seems that everything just gets dumped on us all at once. But last week I went out on Monday night with Sam, Laura and Craig. We had originally planned to just go to Lloyds for a few drinks but ended up going to the nightclub - was a great night :) On Thursday night it was my friend Laura's birthday. It was a really lovely night and a great way to celebrate one of my best friend's birthday. On Friday, I went back home and it was lovely to see my family and cat again. And then Saturday, I came back to Lincoln in preparation for work. It doesn't sound like a lot but I've literally driven 200 miles in just two days this weekend - which is quite a lot considering I only live around 30-40 miles away. But oh well, it was all in good reason. This week I'm really excited because I'm going to London for the Wilkinsons Health and Beauty event - if you're going, let me know!