It's about time I announced my giveaway winner isn't it? Well I am pleased to announce that the winner of my giveaway is..

I have emailed you so please get back in touch with me asap so I can make sure that the items reach you!
Thank you so much to everyone that entered and I'm really sorry if you didn't win. I wish I could give you all something as a thank you for allowing my blog to grow. It really means a lot to me :) but don't worry, I'm sure I'll be holding more giveaways soon!

I happened to have a lot of interest in the Meet Up that I've been planning which is great news! So I can confirm that it will definitely be happening :)! I'm thinking around Novemeber time but any suggestions are welcome.. just contact me. When it gets closer to the time I will be emailing/tweeting/contacting all who are interesting letting you know the details so if it gets to the beginning of Novemeber and you're still interested and you haven't heard from me.. make sure you pester me on Twitter!
Here are the people interested so far:
@nicolettasblog, @primpsandpreens, @imcatwest, @selendoll, @sprinkleofglitr, @jessie_leong, @felicityxo, @laauren_love, @msbennett881, @pink_pixie92, @hannahvickers, @poppyredlips.
If you're interested and I haven't mentioned you above, just contact me letting me know a way of getting in touch with you (preferably email/Twitter) and your hometown.
I can't wait to meet you all :)