After seeing Fleur and Ingrid with hair feathers, I knew that I had to get some (I know, I'm such a sheep haha) and I was fortunate enough to be sent some!
I was sent the hair feathers in the colour Natural Princess and this set of feather consist of whites, silvers and soft oranges.
I absolutely love these feathers and I have won them every single day since receiving them and as of yet, they have shown no sign of daily wear and tear. When people notice them, the amount of compliments and questions you receive is just outstanding! I'm not one for wearing a lot in my hair, I generally wear my hair straight or curly but now thanks to these feathers, my hair doesn't seem as boring! Also, the feathers can be brushed, blow dried, curled or straightened (on a low heat setting).
I highly recommend these! They're strong, last a long time and of course, they really are beautiful. You can check out the 6 different hair feather styles here!
Also, click here to find out the new prize that has been entered to my giveaway! Don't forget to enter!
Have you tried hair feathers? Are you going to?